About Seven Seas Japanese Import Cars

Isn’t it a pleasure when you have an enjoyable purchasing experience, with friendly, helpful staff and a warm atmosphere. We decided right from day one that nobody we speak to would ever have a reason to feel anything other than happy with their interaction with us, regardless of whether they find the car they were looking for or not.

And let’s face it, buying a car is a big deal, imported or not. Not only is it a lot of money, something you keep for a long time and something that you need for your everyday life, but it involves every member of the family. Many family memories – holidays, trips to the zoo, even shopping excursions – happen in the car. So we want your experience with us to be as pleasurable and stress free as possible.

There is an expression in Japanese that we particularly like: Ichi nichi isshou. Roughly translated this means, each day is a lifetime; live your whole life in the way you live today. In other words, if you aspire to be upstanding, honest and friendly, then that is how you must act every day. In Britain we say manners maketh the man. This is another guiding principle we like. Being polite costs nothing and makes every conversation life affirming as opposed to draining.

As a business with one foot in Japan and the other here in the UK, not only are we able to bring you clean, low mileage Japanese import cars that the whole family can enjoy, we try to merge the best of our two cultures – efficiency and warmth; attention to detail and a fun experience.

We hope you enjoy looking at our site and, more importantly, we expect you to enjoy every dealing you have with us.

I’ll leave you with one more Japanese expression that you hear all the time over there – GANBARIMASU! – WE’LL DO OUR UTMOST!